Yogurt Pudding with Chia Seeds

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Պատրաստման ժամանակը 5
Ընդհանուր ժամանակը 25


Yeremyan Products drinking yogurt 1
Chia seeds 0.5 cup
Walnuts, fruit jam and dried fruit
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Պատրաստման եղանակը

  • Քայլ 1: Mix chia seeds with yogurt
  • Քայլ 2: Leave it for 15-20 mints, until the seeds have puffed up.
  • Քայլ 3: Add the jam, walnuts or granola
  • Քայլ 4: Enjoy a delicious breakfast

This chia pudding can be made ahead of time. If you like to sleep a bit longer in the morning, then you can mix the chia seeds and yogurt, cover it and put it in the refrigerator.

This pudding is a great healthy breakfast full of protein and probiotics.

Bon appetite!

Hope you give this recipe a try!